When doing web service calls from JavaScript you are required to write code that concatenates XML strings and manually posts an HTTP request to CRM. The code looks something like this (courtesy of CRM 4.0 SDK).
Traditional Web Service Soap Request
var xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"+
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'"+
" xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"+
" xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>"+
"<RetrieveMultiple xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices'>"+
"<query xmlns:q1='http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/Query'"+
" xsi:type='q1:QueryExpression'>"+
"<q1:ColumnSet xsi:type='q1:ColumnSet'>"+
"<q1:Value xsi:type='xsd:string'>"+searchCity+"</q1:Value>"+
This code is only the SOAP body generation. It doesn't even include the HTTP request or extracting the data. You can imagine what a maintenance nightmare you have when your form requires multiple web service calls. Wouldn't it be nice if the API was closer to the .NET SDK API?
Helper Objects
I have written a couple of helper classes to help make life easier. Here are two examples of what you can do with the helper classes. It doesn't currently support everything (grouping multiple levels of filter conditions), but it handles 90% of the cases you run into. As I add more functionality to the clases, I will repost them.
Simple query on one entity
This query does a simple select of leads where the city is either Bloomington or Minneapolis. Include this code as well as the helper objects from the bottom of the post.
// Create object passing in the entity you are selecting from
var crmService = new CrmService("lead", LOGICAL_OPERATOR_OR);
// Add filter conditions (note: the "OR" logical operator was specified in constructor)
crmService.AddFilterCondition("address1_city", "Bloomington", CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL);
crmService.AddFilterCondition("address1_city", "Minneapolis", CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL);
// Retrieve the result object
var result = crmService.RetrieveMultiple();
// Loop through rows and select values (they return strings)
for (rowsNumber in result.Rows) {
var row = result.Rows[rowsNumber];
// Get Column By Name
Query that Links in Multiple Tables
This selects accountnumber, accountid, and name from the account entity by specifying the ID of the contact. Include this code as well as the helper objects from the bottom of the post.
// Create object passing in the entity you are selecting from
var crmService = new CrmService("account", LOGICAL_OPERATOR_OR);
// Specify select columns
// Define linked entity - similar to SDK overload
var entityLinked = crmService.AddLinkedEntityCondition("account", "contact", "accountid", "parentcustomerid", JOINOPERATOR_INNER)
// Set filter operator (AND, OR, Ect)
entityLinked.FilterOperator = LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND;
// Add filter condition (can add as multiple)
entityLinked.AddFilterCondition("contactid", "{BB1F590A-37D0-DC11-AA32-0003FF33509E}", CONDITION_OPERATOR_EQUAL);
// Retrieve the result object
var result = crmService.RetrieveMultiple();
// Loop through rows and select values (they return strings)
for (rowsNumber in result.Rows) {
var row = result.Rows[rowsNumber];
// Get Column By Name
Helper Objects - Simply copy into the top of your form load
function CrmService(entityName, logicalOperator) {
// Double check in case you pass a variable that hasn't been set
// This error is hard to track down
if (logicalOperator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for logicalOperator");
if (entityName == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for entityName");
this.entityName = entityName;
this.ColumnSet = new Array();
this.LogicalOperator = logicalOperator;
this.Conditions = new Array();
this.LinkedEntities = new Array();
CrmService.prototype.getEntityName = function() {
return this.entityName;
function Condition(field, value, operator) {
this.Field = field;
this.Value = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmXmlEncode(value);
// Double check in case you pass a variable that hasn't been set
// This error is hear to track down
if (operator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for operator");
this.Operator = operator;
CrmService.prototype.setEntityName = function() {
return this.entityName;
CrmService.prototype.AddColumn = function(columnName) {
this.ColumnSet[this.ColumnSet.length] = columnName;
CrmService.prototype.AddFilterCondition = function(field, value, conditionOperator) {
this.Conditions[this.Conditions.length] = new Condition(field, value, conditionOperator);
function LinkedEntity(linkFromEntityName, linkToEntityName, linkFromAttributeName, linkToAttributeName, joinOperator) {
this.LinkFromEntityName = linkFromEntityName;
this.LinkToEntityName = linkToEntityName;
this.LinkFromAttributeName = linkFromAttributeName;
this.LinkToAttributeName = linkToAttributeName;
if (joinOperator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for operator");
this.JoinOperator = joinOperator;
this.Conditions = new Array();
this.FilterOperator = LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND;
LinkedEntity.prototype.AddFilterCondition = function(field, value, conditionOperator) {
this.Conditions[this.Conditions.length] = new Condition(field, value, conditionOperator);
return this.Conditions[this.Conditions.length - 1];
CrmService.prototype.AddLinkedEntityCondition = function(linkFromEntityName, linkToEntityName, linkFromAttributeName, linkToAttributeName, joinOperator) {
this.LinkedEntities[this.LinkedEntities.length] = new LinkedEntity(linkFromEntityName, linkToEntityName, linkFromAttributeName, linkToAttributeName, joinOperator);
return this.LinkedEntities[this.LinkedEntities.length - 1];
function RetrieveMultipleResult(crmService) {
this.Rows = new Array();
this.CrmService = crmService;
RetrieveMultipleResult.prototype.AddRow = function() {
this.Rows[this.Rows.length] = new Row();
return this.Rows[this.Rows.length - 1];
function Row() {
this.Columns = new Array();
function Column(columnName, value, dataType) {
this.ColumnName = columnName;
this.Value = value;
this.DataType = dataType;
Row.prototype.AddColumn = function(columnName, value) {
this.Columns[this.Columns.length] = new Column(columnName, value);
Row.prototype.GetColumn = function(columnName) {
for (columnNumber in this.Columns) {
var column = this.Columns[columnNumber];
if (columnName.toLowerCase() == column.ColumnName.toLowerCase())
return column;
throw new Error("Column " + columnName + " does not exist");
Row.prototype.GetValue = function(columnName) {
var column = this.GetColumn(columnName);
return column.Value;
CrmService.prototype.RetrieveMultiple = function() {
//create SOAP envelope
var xmlSoapHeader = "" +
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">";
var xmlAuthHeader = GenerateAuthenticationHeader();
var xmlSoapBody = "<soap:Body>" +
" <RetrieveMultiple xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices\"> " +
"<query xmlns:q1=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/Query\" xsi:type=\"q1:QueryExpression\"> " +
" <q1:EntityName>" + this.getEntityName() + "</q1:EntityName> " +
" <q1:ColumnSet xsi:type=\"q1:ColumnSet\"> " +
" <q1:Attributes> ";
for (columnNumber in this.ColumnSet) {
var column = this.ColumnSet[columnNumber];
xmlSoapBody = xmlSoapBody + " <q1:Attribute>" + column + "</q1:Attribute>";
xmlSoapBody = xmlSoapBody + " </q1:Attributes>" +
" </q1:ColumnSet>" +
" <q1:Distinct>false</q1:Distinct> " +
" <q1:PageInfo> " +
" <q1:PageNumber>0</q1:PageNumber> " +
" <q1:Count>0</q1:Count> " +
" </q1:PageInfo> " +
" <q1:LinkEntities>";
if (this.LinkedEntities.length > 0) {
for (linkedEntityNumber in this.LinkedEntities) {
var linkedEntity = this.LinkedEntities[linkedEntityNumber];
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:LinkEntity> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:LinkFromAttributeName>" + linkedEntity.LinkFromAttributeName + "</q1:LinkFromAttributeName> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:LinkFromEntityName>" + linkedEntity.LinkFromEntityName + "</q1:LinkFromEntityName> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:LinkToEntityName>" + linkedEntity.LinkToEntityName + "</q1:LinkToEntityName> ";
xmlSoapBody += "<q1:LinkToAttributeName>" + linkedEntity.LinkToAttributeName + "</q1:LinkToAttributeName> ";
xmlSoapBody += "<q1:JoinOperator>" + linkedEntity.JoinOperator + "</q1:JoinOperator> ";
xmlSoapBody += "<q1:LinkCriteria> ";
if (linkedEntity.FilterOperator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for FilterOperator");
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:FilterOperator>" + linkedEntity.FilterOperator + "</q1:FilterOperator> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Conditions> ";
for (conditionLinkedNumber in linkedEntity.Conditions) {
var conditionLinked = linkedEntity.Conditions[conditionLinkedNumber];
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Condition> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:AttributeName>" + conditionLinked.Field + "</q1:AttributeName> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Operator>" + conditionLinked.Operator + "</q1:Operator> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Values> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">" + conditionLinked.Value + "</q1:Value> ";
xmlSoapBody += " </q1:Values> ";
xmlSoapBody += " </q1:Condition> ";
xmlSoapBody += " </q1:Conditions> ";
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Filters /> ";
xmlSoapBody += "</q1:LinkCriteria> ";
xmlSoapBody += "<q1:LinkEntities />";
xmlSoapBody += "</q1:LinkEntity>";
if (this.LogicalOperator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for LogicalOperator");
xmlSoapBody += "</q1:LinkEntities>" +
" <q1:Criteria> " +
" <q1:FilterOperator>" + this.LogicalOperator + "</q1:FilterOperator> " +
" <q1:Conditions> ";
for (conditionNumber in this.Conditions) {
var condition = this.Conditions[conditionNumber];
if (condition.Operator == null)
throw new Error("Must specify non-null value for condition Operator");
xmlSoapBody += " <q1:Condition> " +
" <q1:AttributeName>" + condition.Field + "</q1:AttributeName> " +
" <q1:Operator>" + condition.Operator + "</q1:Operator> " +
" <q1:Values> " +
" <q1:Value xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">" + condition.Value + "</q1:Value> " +
" </q1:Values> " +
" </q1:Condition> ";
xmlSoapBody += " </q1:Conditions> " +
" <q1:Filters /> " +
" </q1:Criteria> " +
" <q1:Orders /> " +
" </query> " +
" </RetrieveMultiple> " +
" </soap:Body> " +
" </soap:Envelope>";
var xmlt = xmlSoapHeader + xmlAuthHeader + xmlSoapBody;
var xmlHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
xmlHttpRequest.Open("POST", "/mscrmservices/2007/CrmService.asmx", false);
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2007/WebServices/RetrieveMultiple");
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xmlt.length);
if (xmlHttpRequest.responseXML == null || xmlHttpRequest.responseXML.xml == null || xmlHttpRequest.responseXML.xml == "") {
if (xmlHttpRequest.responseText != null && xmlHttpRequest.responseText != "")
throw new Error(xmlHttpRequest.responseText);
throw new Error("Error returning response");
var xmlResponse = xmlHttpRequest.responseXML.xml;
if (xmlHttpRequest.responseXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//error/description").length > 0) {
throw new Error(xmlResponse);
var objNodeList = xmlHttpRequest.responseXML.documentElement.selectNodes("//BusinessEntity");
var totalNodesCount = objNodeList.length;
var result = new RetrieveMultipleResult(this);
var nodeIndex = 0;
var fieldTextTemp = "";
var fieldText = "";
if (totalNodesCount > 0) {
do {
var row = result.AddRow();
for (columnNumber in this.ColumnSet) {
var columnName = this.ColumnSet[columnNumber];
fieldText = "";
var valueNode = objNodeList[nodeIndex].getElementsByTagName("q1:" + columnName)[0];
if (valueNode != null) {
fieldTextTemp = valueNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
if (fieldTextTemp != null && fieldTextTemp != "") {
fieldText = fieldText + fieldTextTemp;
row.AddColumn(columnName, fieldText);
nodeIndex = nodeIndex + 1;
while (totalNodesCount > nodeIndex)
return result;